Welcome to ErikaMDJones.com!
A place for creativity and lifestyle balance.

My story of traveling through the world
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#MySimpleMOMents Blog
Flying While Anxious
I have anxiety about flying, especially when flying alone. I can’t remember when it started…
It’s been a long time. I shouldn’t have left you… While these are some dope…
Seven Years Later…
This blog post was originally posted on May 11, 2021. Last month, the Hubs and…
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Find Your Balance
ErikaMDJones.com is a lifestyle blog that covers everything from work-life balance, motherhood, and more. Get inspired by the stories shared on this site and find the balance you need in life
Favorite Recipes
Discover new favorite recipes from Erika’s collection of delicious dishes. From family dinners to special occasions, there’s something for everyone on this site.
Resume & Portfolio
Impress potential employers with an updated copy of your resume, as well as an interactive portfolio highlighting your best work. Get connected with employers and make sure they know who you are.